Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tygre's Tales

Hi, I'm Ty.  I'm very shy, but my mom thinks it would be good for me to write a diary every once in a while.  That way everyone knows I exist (even though I would rather hide and be invisible).  So, I guess I'll tell you a little about myself.  I was the runt of the litter.  Mom had to bottlefeed me.  And my teeth were so sharp that I bit through the bottle nipples and milk went everywhere. 

I also have asthma.  I've had asthma for many years now, but it affects me less than it used to.  I have an inhaler now that has really helped.  I hope my brother, Nikolai, will put a link to the kitty asthma website because it helped my moms a lot. 

I also love to play.  I love to play with feather wands and sparkle balls.  I used to fetch, but I don't do it so much anymore. 

And I love my mom.  I love to be held by her.  I purr so hard that it looks like I'm smiling and my smile is so big that my eyes are shut.  I need my mom, and I knead her.  I like to give her biteys and headbutts and smoocheys. 

That's all for now.  Boy, it's hard being social. 

Celebrating Banned Books Week

My mom reminded me that this week is Banned Books Week.  This is a week to celebrate the freedom of expression and the freedom to access ideas even if those ideas are unpopular.  It seems appropriate to celebrate this in the face of the censorship happening on Catster.  All of us cats need to continue to stick together and meow for our right to say what we want to say.  It is very important to be able to have an open dialogue about the issues that concern us; it fosters and strengthens community. 

Purr-sonally, I like books.  All books are nice to sleep on, regardless of what they are about.  Also, I like it when my moms read books because that means they are sitting and sitting means a warm lap for a kitty.  I don't see what the fuss is about some of the books on the list.  Harry Potter is on list because there's magic in it.  But we all believe in magic, don't we?  I mean, cats are magical beings, right?  Humans are so puzzling sometimes.

My furr-iend, Sydney, likes books, too.  She likes to eat them whether they are banned or not.  She doesn't understand human behavior in this respect, either.  "They all taste the same to me," she says.  I couldn't agree more. 

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Today is my birthday.  I am 11 years young.  Technically, it is the birthday of my brother, Tygre, too.  But can't a girl have a birthday to herself?  I had to share my mom-cat's womb with Tygre.  And I have to share my human-mom with Tygre.  You'd think the least I could have would be my own birthday.  Hmphh!

In any case, I have had a wonderful day.  There was much tissue paper and wrapping paper to be had.  And many sparkle balls in my favorite colors:  red and pink!  I love to run into the wrapping paper and then grab a sparkle ball, pat it around and then stick it in my mouth.

I also had catnip and I here tuna may be on the menu tonight.  Yum!  If only I did not have to share the tuna with Tygre.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Please purr for Genny

Dear Furriends,
I have received word that my furriend, Genny the Generator, is ill with a 104 degree temp.  She had a rough start in life and still has a lot of growing to do.  Please join my family in purring for her.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Please welcome Sydney Rabbit to the family

As those of you who followed me on Catster know, I lost my dear friend, Brinkley the Bunny Rabbit about a month ago. I was very depressed and expressed my emotions by attacking on the other cats. Between my moms being upset and me attacking the other cats, it was a chaotic period in our lives.

Things finally settled down, but life was not the same without the "hop, hop, hop" of a rabbit. I especially enjoyed Brinkley the Bunny Rabbit because I could sit up on a chair and lord over her. She understood that I was superior, or at least that's what I thought. Evil Step Momma Amy says that she did not understand my attempts to dominate her and that Brinkley actually saw herself as dominant. Whatever, Evil Step Momma Amy is wrong. Brinkley and I had an understanding.

Well, my moms decided it was time to bring another bun into our lives. On September 12, 2010, my moms adopted Sydney Rabbit, a 10 month old, 7.9lbs rabbit from the Nevada Humane Society. She is "seal point" which means she is a Meezer Bun. But she is no Meezer. And let me tell you, she is NO Brinkley.

Brinkley was slow moving, respected my space and dominance.

Frankly, I am not even certain what to make of Sydney. She runs at the speed of light and then she abruptly stops within a half an inch of my face and stares at me. Um hello? Personal space? I know I am not allowed to attack rabbits, so I try wave my paw at her to get her to shove off. But before I can even get a single pad off the carpet, she is off again zooming somewhere else.

And she does not let me lord over her either. No, instead she JOINED me on the sofa last night. What the cat? Rabbits belong on the floor below me. They do not belong next to me on the sofa.

I have to say, I do enjoy her efforts in thwarting my moms' attempts to keep her confined. She learned how to get out of her pen so my moms put a roof on the pen. Next morning she had the roof off. She has also broken down a couple of barricades my moms have set up.

So all in all, I think we will get along okay, just as soon as she learns to respect MY personal space.

Another Day, Another Blog

For my second day of blogging, I can report that my mom finally figured out how to get my flickr photos to show up on my blog, so you all can now see photos of my furr-mily.  Of course, there are many photos of me.  Speaking of me, I got treated to a quail parade in my backyard after dinner--what great kitty TV!  Check it out:
There were about ten quail that went by on the fence.  Mom was able to snap a quick photo before all the quail passed. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!

My momma has made me this nice blog so that I can keep writing about what is going on in my life.  But she also told me that I have to share it with the other cats and the bunny.  What nerve, huh?  They never wrote diaries on Catster, so maybe I'll still get the whole blog to myself anyway. I run the household, after all.